
Welcome to some Lavish!  The SOUL.  A positive outlook in life starts with a prayer, affirmations or a mantra.  This page features the author’s collection of her favorite prayers, mantras and affirmations which can be recited before starting the day, before going to sleep at night, or anytime you feel like feeding your soul or connecting/reconnecting with your Maker.

29 APRIL 2012

It's super soul Sunday - a day to feed the soul. I opened the TV half-awake this morning listening to the voice of Dr. Stanley.  His soothing voice, his beautiful message touched a cord in my soul. I was hooked...i opened my sleepy eyes and watched Dr. Stanley  on the tube. I can't help but agree to most of what Dr. Stanley was saying. Yes, it is so true. Sometimes, we can't wait...WE DOUBT GOD'S ABILITY TO DO THE RIGHT THING FOR US, we get so anxious waiting that we tend to grab any opportunity, any pseudo-solution to our problems. And in return, we get disappointed, more frustrated. If only we learn to wait patiently, be still, and trust God...Life's very best will be given to us at the right time.

“Faith is at the heart of everything we believe in the Christian life. Yet, just as Jesus disciples did, many of us struggle with doubt. In The Thrill of Trusting God, Dr. Stanley uses David's victory over Goliath to illustrate what an active faith looks like.”

10  APRIL 2012

We have a choice – to start the day with a good attitude or a bad attitude.  Here’s a simple prayer for guidance on starting the day with a new and positive attitude. 

12 APRIL2012

14 APRIL2012


I received a message in my inbox today from my former boss and i thought of sharing with you this simple prayer.

"God, our Father, walk through my house and take away
all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my
family in Jesus name, Amen."


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